Tag Archives: walking

Cycling/Running Duathlon…Is That Possible For Me To Do?

5 Apr



Everyday, I try to make an effort to do some physical activity, whether it’s running, jogging, hiking, walking, dreadmill, tennis, biking, etc. For some reason, I just love the thrill of being out and about and doing things. I am able to clear my mind, get away from all the tension, and spend time with my bf.

Anyhow, there is a cycling/running duathlon event coming up in the SF Bay in five months. I dont know if I’ll be ready for it, but i am super excited. It seems like a fun challenge. I got the running part down (I’m so happy I can say that), but I gotta train on my bike. Biking is so different. I actually find it more difficult to bike uphill than run uphill. Is that weird?

Well, I have made a firm decision to do the duathlon. I am NOT going to be discouraged. I dont “look” like the ideal athlete. I dont have the slim muscular figure that most runners have. I dont have a hard body six pack that allows me to freely wear a jogging bra showing my midriff. When I proudly wear my half marathon shirts, people look at me in disbelief that I actually ran 13 miles.  I am chubby. I am okay with that. Not many people can do that.  I’ve only been doing this running thing for a couple of months, but I found an activity that I absolutely love.

Wish me luck on my duathlon. I’m gonna need it. Until then, Happy Running!